• Something’s going on around here

    Something’s going on around here and no one’s telling me about it.  Milkshake and Chelsea keep meeting when I’m not around, and then when I walk in the room they get all hush hush.  I tell you those dogs are planning something.   Don’t they look guilty as can be?  What do they know that I don’t?  I’m so busy trying to get…

  • snow happy hearts for April

    Can you believe we are 1/3 rd of the way through Snow Happy Hearts?  It surprised me too!  I’m thrilled how much some of you are enjoying these hearts.  There’s some really creative ones showing up in my Facebook Snow Happy Hearts group. Hopefully, you’ve been keeping up with these little patterns.  If you’re not planning on making them right away, make sure…

  • Snapshots Quilt Along Block Three

    I thought I’d be creative and photograph my Snapshots quilt block with something green for St. Patrick’s Day.  The first thing I realized when looking around my house is that I don’t own very much in the way of green.  Certainly nothing that looks as cute as the tea kettle in this month’s block! I did happen to find a…

  • Snow Happy Hearts for March

    It’s already the month of March, can you believe it?  Are you ready for #3 of Snow Happy Hearts? It’s a snowman with a PINK lamb for a friend!  I love pink lambs so of course I include one when I can.  March seems like the perfect pink lamb month. You’ll find the last of the Snow Happy Hearts fat quarter bundles on…

  • The best dottie mini charm quilt ever

    Guess what I’ve got for you today?  It’s the best Dottie Mini Charm Quilt Kit ever, according to Milkshake! I promise, if she thinks this kit is great, it is!  You’ll want to grab one of these kits while we have them in stock, because the pattern I designed to go with it is FREE!   Who doesn’t love dots, who…