• Snap Shots Update

    Most of the children in our area went back to school on Tuesday.    I don’t know what happened to 3 months off during the summer and back to school in September, but here they started school on the hottest day we’ve had so far (106).  No wonder it seems like time is flying by. I’ve finally had a little time to catch…

  • Red & White

    Remember when the Red & White Quilt Exhibit was in New York?  If you were lucky enough to attend, I’m envious.  That was something I think all of us wanted to see.  The pictures, blog posts and stories from that event were wonderful. Finally, thanks to the American Folk Art Museum, we can all visit and enjoy those wonderful quilts…

  • Traveling with Applique

    I was asked by Moda to share any tips I had on traveling with applique.  This really got me thinking, and I realized I hadn’t shared with you the applique travel case a friend made for me!  I use this case so much it’s become a part of me.  It goes to the Dr’s office, the dentist, car rides and quilt shops with me.  It’s well…

  • Quilt Market Favorites

    Mr. Clover and I are smiling because he’s just told me that Clover is going to make a new craft iron.  This was back in 2013. Well, I’ve been waiting and waiting and it’s finally coming true!  Clover is bringing back their Craft Iron with a new and updated look.  This is my “find” from Quilt Market.  The Clover Wedge Iron doesn’t…

  • Doxie Dog Fever

    I’m back from Quilt Market and feel like I have a fever…Doxie Dog Fever!  These little dogs were a hit at market. Apparently a lot of you are Doxie lovers.  There’s something about those little long bodies and big droopy ears that we all seem to love. Here’s the real life Lulu sleeping on my sweater when I was dog sitting her……

  • Snow Happy Hearts for May

    Hopefully you’re busy stitching away on your Snow Happy Hearts snow lady for May.  I’m a little late blogging about her, because I’ve had so many last-minute things to do to get ready for quilt market.  Just in case you haven’t seen the pattern yet, I’ve linked you to it below. We’re still putting the binding on Merci La Vie, and…