• Another pink post

    I am the queen of shopping, just ask my husband.  He’s given me the title, but he’s a bit biased.  I should hesitate to accept, but I can’t help it.  I love the title!  It should come with a tiara that I can wear when I greet the UPS man. So there I was last weekend, the “Queen of Shopping”…

  • American Patchwork, Vicki & Me

    The journeys we take in life, always seem to bring unexpected pleasures.  Those little things we never anticipate.  Sweet surprises that can’t be predicted or even thought of when we start the journey.  Amazing, is the word I use for these little pleasures.  When I started designing, I never anticipated the friendships I would find along the way.  I was focused on…

  • Welcome 2010!

    I really thought 2009 would bring a new addition to the studio.  It was such a good idea, adding on an extra 400 square ft. of working space.   I began to doubt it several months ago, when plans failed to arrive, deadlines weren’t met, and frustrations began to build.  When the plans finally arrived, and the bids came in, the…

  • Christmas Day

    Christmas day brought turkey, stuffing and those oh so good mashed potatoes.   My son Doug and his fiancé Elke arrived from Germany on Christmas Eve.   Luggage was lost, but the Christmas spirit was not.  Lufthansa delivered the lost luggage to our house 6PM Christmas day!  They tried really hard to get it here, and we live a good hour 1/2…

  • Oh Christmas Tree

    I’ve always had a live tree.  It’s only in the past several years that we’ve gone to an artificial tree.  It’s against all my principles, but it’s necessary.  It’s an artificial tree or no tree, it’s that simple.  The month gets shorter every year, and there’s never time now to get “Christmas” pulled together.  So I fill my tree with…

  • Yoko Saito Visits the Bunny Hill Booth!

    So, I’m in the Bunny Hill Booth, and two lovely Japanese women walk in.  They start talking and smiling at each other about my Scottie dog quilt.  I leaned over to get them a pattern and when I came up I saw the name tag;  Yoko Saito. First came a gasp, then tears, and then the bowing started.  Back and…