• Tomorrow I’ll Be More Organized…

    Tomorrow I’ll be more organized, less cluttered, more on top of things and finished with all my projects.  HA!  I’ve been saying this to myself for months.  Isn’t working.  Hard as I try I can’t get ahead.  Do you find yourself in the same situation?  Well I’ve found a great blog that can help us.  It’s called Unclutterer!  She has somereally great tips.  I subscribe to her blog by email so that every morning she’ll be there for me (she posts every day).  Ready to help me organize my life.  Heaven knows I need it. To all of you who commented on my pink refrigerator post, I’m KEEPING the refrigerator.  It’s helping me…

  • American Patchwork, Vicki & Me

    The journeys we take in life, always seem to bring unexpected pleasures.  Those little things we never anticipate.  Sweet surprises that can’t be predicted or even thought of when we start the journey.  Amazing, is the word I use for these little pleasures.  When I started designing, I never anticipated the friendships I would find along the way.  I was focused on my business,  trying to get it up and running, worried that I might not be successful, have enough money to continue, afraid people wouldn’t like what I did, and well, you get the idea.  Oh my, it was a lot to focus on!  Now as I look back on my…

  • Machine Applique

    I finished the scallop border on Rabbits Prefer Redwork using invisible machine applique. That’s right, invisible machine applique, but with DMC Machine Embroidery thread or Aurifil 50wt. thread. I love to stitch by hand, but there’s a time and a place for everything. Machine applique can be the perfect solution when you need to get it done fast. The four border scallops took me one evening to applique and you can hardly see any difference. I’ll let you in on some of my secrets! You’ll need a few things to get started: 1. Thread to match the color of your applique. Use a 50 wt.  thread on the top, and…