• My Funny Valentine

    My mommy made me dress up, for Valentine’s day today.  I really didn’t want to, but she made me anyway. My tutu’s tight, the bows bug me, and who knows about my crown, I feel like a dog gone wrong I may never live this down. If Valentine’s Day was for the dogs, I’d always get a treat, and I wouldn’t have to dress up or try and look so sweet. But then I heard about my friends, so at least I’m not alone, their mommies made them dress up too, I can almost hear them groan.  I don’t think I can stand here much longer for today so take…

  • The Weigh-In

    The weigh-in is tomorrow.  No, not for me, for her… Chelsea has a weigh-in at the vet tomorrow, and we start preparing for it a week in advance. It’s kind of like Weight Watchers. You know the weigh-in is coming,  so you cut back for a few days.  I hope the bow doesn’t add ounces to the scale.  She’s wearing it, because who can resist a plump Chihuahua in a bow?  Helps hide the rolls around the collar.  I can tell she hasn’t lost any weight. She feels heavy when I pick her up, and well, she looks heavy too.  I’m going to make my husband take her for the weigh-in. …

  • Why I Love My Cat

    It’s early in the morning: the sun hasn’t come up, just a desk light on next to my computer.  The studio is quiet. I’m checking emails and catching up on things left undone from the night before. I suddenly realize my sweet cat, with the awful name (Mooch) has come to keep me company.  She’s been there for awhile, before I really become aware of her.  She’s made her bed on a notepad and pen next to my computer.    I grab my camera, sitting there on my desk, and I capture the moment without waking her!  She opens one eye and then closes it right away as if to say,…

  • Welcome 2010!

    I really thought 2009 would bring a new addition to the studio.  It was such a good idea, adding on an extra 400 square ft. of working space.   I began to doubt it several months ago, when plans failed to arrive, deadlines weren’t met, and frustrations began to build.  When the plans finally arrived, and the bids came in, the cost was outrageous.  Seems California will never change.  Things here cost more.  We haven’t learned a thing.  It’s a crazy business this one called construction.  Crazy. So we’ve said no to the addition with almost a sense of relief.  And now I start 2010 with a new goal; Learn to…