• Happy Birthday Joanne!

    It’s Joanne Denton’s Birthday Today! And how do I know this?  Her husband told me so when he ordered her birthday present!   Joanne’s husband Don asked me to email her to tell her that her present is on the way!  But with a husband like Don, I think Joanne deserves a marching band,  a party and cake galore!  Can you believe how sweet her husband is?  He bought her a quilt kit! 1 husband + 1 quilt kit = SUPER HUSBAND! The “Park Lane” quilt kit left here on Saturday heading to Canada!  Joanne, it’s your birthday present from your hubby Don! I hope it arrives very soon.  I’ll keep…

  • The longest contest in blog history!

    It’s been two months since I started my “guess the theme of my newest block of the month” contest.   It’s about time to announce the winner don’t you think?  I had to make sure the prize included the pattern AND bundles of my newest fabric line Lily & Will II.  Finally everything is ready and we have a winner!  I printed out your emails as they came in with the correct answer and this morning I randomly picked a lucky winner! Here’s the grand prize!  Did I mention it includes some Cath Kidston sewing tins? And here’s the winner! Nancy Brooks who gave me this guess on August 29th: “Anne…OK…

  • I Led You Astray!

    Remember the days before the dog photos?  They days when I was giving you hints about my newest block of the month?   If you guess the theme of the Christmas block of the month I’m working on,  you’ll be entered into a  drawing for a nice prize.  It  might even include some Cath Kidston  treats I picked up in Europe! I led you astray with the pink featherweight post.  It wasn’t on purpose!  Really!  When I read your comments I had to laugh.   Someone started talking about a pink Christmas and the next thing I knew you were all going down that path!  ( Can’t imagine why you think I’d put pink in one of my quilts!)  Well…

  • Bunny for Mila

    You know I’m “into” babies these days with my new Fabric line “Lily & Will”  for Moda Fabrics, but I would have NEVER thought of doing something this cute with my fabric until I saw Mila’s blog! If you haven’t seen the blog called Mila’s Daydreams you are in for a treat.  Mila’s mom is SO creative.    Not only does she have a precious baby, she has such a creative blog!  Mila, this bunny is for you! Enjoy your visit and hope you smile as much as I did!  Thanks to my friend Sue for sharing  this link with me! Mila’s Daydreams Hugs, Anne

  • UPS gets me in trouble

    UPS just gets me in so much trouble.  Granted we do a lot of shipping by UPS, but seems that brown truck is here almost every day with deliveries too! The good thing is that my hubby thinks everything I’m buying is for you!  It’s great having a web site because I can disguise a lot of boxes as Bunny Hill product.  “Oh that’s for Bunny Hill”, I say.  Like this market trolley I bought on Amazon last week… The UPS box it arrived in was small!  About the size of the polka dot pocket on the bag!  The bag folds up and fits inside the pocket!    Think of this at a farmer’s market or…

  • Snowbound in June?

    These are such happy little snowmen!  I think they’re having a party!  Why a party?  Well, we’re 1/2 way through our quilt, AND in some areas of the US it’s still been snowing!  Snow means happy snowmen no doubt about it. It snowed in Oregon while we were at market, and when we flew home over Denver we saw tons of white, beautiful snow.  It’s June and somewhere it’s still snowing.  I can tell just from looking at these little guys. We’re on block number six can you believe it! Where on earth has the year gone?  Do you realize we’ll be thinking about Christmas before long?  Don’t worry, you’ll…