• Who won the Oliso Iron?

    This beautiful yellow iron is coming to one of you thanks to Oliso!   Go ahead party away, invite friends over for dinner and set the table with your best tablecloth and napkins.  You don’t care because you’re the winner of this iron!  You’ll never mind ironing again when you use your new Oliso!  Bring on the cloth napkins, you’ll be looking for things to iron!  Oh you are going to love this iron! So, here we go are you ready?  Drum roll please!  Into the random number generator went so many numbers!  The amazing thing is at 6PM last evening, when I closed the contest we had exactly 950 comments! …

  • Are you following?

    Are you following along with the Moda designers Pillow Talk?  I’m having so much fun reading all the posts!  It’s a chance for you to win some wonderful prizes and learn something about each designer you might not know! Aneela is new to our group but I feel like I know her just from reading her blog.  You will too!  I bought 2 bundles of her Sherbet Pips for my grand-daughters because I fell in love with her fabric.  Something tells me I’m going to be buying her next line too! I’ve been a major fan of Blackbird for years haven’t you?  Did you know that we  both started making…

  • Friends@Festival

    Here’s a fun link for you this morning!  If you haven’t been to Friends@Fesitval web site you are missing some fun! Just click on the winter 2011 newsletter and then click on “freeloading”.  You’ll find a cute free pattern for “Fat Geese”.  If I had time I’d make this quilt myself! The “Friends@Festival newsletter is brought to you by the wonderful people that run Quilt Festival, Quilts.Inc. Sign up to get their newsletter and you’ll get lots of information about what goes on in the world of quilting! If you still want Cosmo Variegated Floss at 50% off I have a limited quantity left!  Just tell me you’re a blog…

  • So Slooooooow!

    To all of my faithful blog readers I apologize for the slow website for the past two days.  If I were trying to shop I’d be crying.  I’m so sorry!  Henrietta is definitely causing a traffic jam.  What a sassy little squirrel she is! To make it up to you I’m extending the January sale for another day.  The 25% off will be good through Sunday.  Hopefully those of you who are trying to download Henrietta will have done so and things will be back to normal on the Bunny Hill website.  Remember if you have trouble on the website, try downloading the Henrietta pattern from this blog. Here’s some…

  • Cath & Martha

    Cath & Martha:  Two of my favorites and each one has something exciting happening right now! I visited the Cath Kidston stores in England last year, and came home loaded with goodies.  My extra suitcase was filled!  Cath Kidston had just sold her stores for millions after starting her company in 1993!  Amazing!  They told me she plans on staying involved.  I think it’s true because I just got the most fabulous catalog in the mail!  Cath Kidston USA! You can shop online at Cath Kidston USA or call toll free 1 -877-259-8559.  And here’s the bonus news.  Free shipping on orders $100 over until December 10th;  Offer code USFP. …

  • Quiltaid USA

    One person can make a difference in the world.  I believe that.  It becomes easier to make that difference if you join people together as a group.   And when that group is made up of quilters need I say more? Please join me, 11 other designers, 6 shops,  Moda Fabrics, and Presencia Threads  as we come together for charity.  If you haven’t heard about Quiltaid USA, you’ll be hearing about it soon. Maybe you saw this ad in American Patchwork and Quilting last month? The theme:  From Heart to Home.  Moda provided the fabric and Presencia provided the pearl cotton for embroidery.  The 12 designers (6 Australian and 6…