
Four Pack Sadness Around Here

It’s been such a difficult few months for me, and I know you will understand. My four-pack has become a one-pack, and I miss these babies so much.


Upper left: Tinkerbell,  Center: Rosie,  Upper right: Chelsea, and front right: Gracie


We said goodbye to Tinkerbell a year ago around this time.  She was my first rescue from Muttville in San Francisco.

We had to say goodbye to Chelsea in September of this year.  She suffered from congestive heart failure and, towards the end, could hardly breathe.  I’ve had her since she was a baby, and she lived to be 16 1/2, so this was an extremely hard one for me.  It hurt so much I am just now beginning to recover.

Then, last week, we said goodbye to Gracie.  She’s had a cough that wasn’t improving, and she’s been winded after simple exertions. She was drinking tons of water, and I started having to drag her on walks. She would just stop.  She’s been on heart medication for about 8 months, and I was relating it to that.  I took her in for a check-up, and our vet was shocked when she did an x-ray. She found cancer filling her liver, kidneys, and lungs.  It caught us all by surprise.  She was fine 8 months ago, and there was no sign of cancer.  So this was a very aggressive cancer and too far gone for chemo.

My heart is filled with wonderful memories that I know will never fade.  But, Gracie & Rosie were a bonded pair (both from Muttville in San Francisco).

Rosie with her two matching bookends.

Rosie is one lonely little dog.  She is staying very close to me, but I can tell she is depressed.  I feel so sorry for her.

I think that maybe I should start the search for a new friend for her.  A small companion who is as sweet as she is.  Have you had a bonded pair of dogs who lost their partner?  Any suggestions on how to handle this?

I know it takes time to heal from a loss like this, but dang, it’s hard.  At least I understand it, but my sweet Rosie is feeling lost.

Hugs to all of you who have ever lost a pet.  I’m thinking of you,





  • Allie Barchi

    My heart breaks for you and Rosie.
    I have experienced this several times as I have always had a pr of dogs.
    I have a Rosie who is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi who I “rescued “ from an Amish farm at age two bc she wouldn’t get pregnant. She was well cared for and if I hadn’t been there to buy straw, she would have been a house dog with the elderly mom of the boys running farm. the time she made dog #3 with two very mature dogs.
    Early in 2021, our beloved bichon poo at age 16 became sick suddenly with aggressive cancer then our standard poodle had mammary tumors and the last one was cancerous. She was still playful until the last couple days and died in her sleep Christmas Eve.
    My dogs are farm dogs and loves to play outside the barn and be around the horses and also travel in the truck .
    Rosie was very sad being alone but just wasn’t ready myself and didn’t know when she was then June last year all changed. I had driven to Fair Hill which is a thoroughbred training center located in a large park in MD. While we were driving down the road , I saw a couple walking 5 standard poodles ,one was white. I stopped to say hello and comment on how beautiful they were and I asked where they got them. Meanwhile, Rosie is looking out the window at them. The poodles were all rescues. When I got back to the barn, Rosie jumped out of the truck and went in the barn, hid in her crate in the kitchen and wouldn’t come out the rest of the day. She was sad for a week. I think the white poodle triggered something bc mine was white.
    I immediately started searching rescues for a poodle. Who would have thought a rescue called Pretty Pitty rescue would have a poodle but a breeder got ill and turned over the litter. I felt like I was on a drug buy meeting transport on the NJ turnpike rest stop at something like 4:30 am
    Rosie was so happy when she met Pepper who I renamed Tigger bc he bounced. She taught him the ropes. I often wonder what she thinks bc he was 3 months when we got him and about same size as she is then he kept growing and growing until he became a full grown standard poodle.
    Anyhow, after we lost T, Rosie slept in her bed and with her blankets so she could smell her.
    I hope you and your Rosie find comfort with each other and your memories and serendipity will happen for you both ❤️❤️❤️

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