
Four Pack Sadness Around Here

It’s been such a difficult few months for me, and I know you will understand. My four-pack has become a one-pack, and I miss these babies so much.


Upper left: Tinkerbell,  Center: Rosie,  Upper right: Chelsea, and front right: Gracie


We said goodbye to Tinkerbell a year ago around this time.  She was my first rescue from Muttville in San Francisco.

We had to say goodbye to Chelsea in September of this year.  She suffered from congestive heart failure and, towards the end, could hardly breathe.  I’ve had her since she was a baby, and she lived to be 16 1/2, so this was an extremely hard one for me.  It hurt so much I am just now beginning to recover.

Then, last week, we said goodbye to Gracie.  She’s had a cough that wasn’t improving, and she’s been winded after simple exertions. She was drinking tons of water, and I started having to drag her on walks. She would just stop.  She’s been on heart medication for about 8 months, and I was relating it to that.  I took her in for a check-up, and our vet was shocked when she did an x-ray. She found cancer filling her liver, kidneys, and lungs.  It caught us all by surprise.  She was fine 8 months ago, and there was no sign of cancer.  So this was a very aggressive cancer and too far gone for chemo.

My heart is filled with wonderful memories that I know will never fade.  But, Gracie & Rosie were a bonded pair (both from Muttville in San Francisco).

Rosie with her two matching bookends.

Rosie is one lonely little dog.  She is staying very close to me, but I can tell she is depressed.  I feel so sorry for her.

I think that maybe I should start the search for a new friend for her.  A small companion who is as sweet as she is.  Have you had a bonded pair of dogs who lost their partner?  Any suggestions on how to handle this?

I know it takes time to heal from a loss like this, but dang, it’s hard.  At least I understand it, but my sweet Rosie is feeling lost.

Hugs to all of you who have ever lost a pet.  I’m thinking of you,





  • elizabeth kent weymier

    It takes time, just like with people. I personally, from experience, don’t think getting another dog right away is the answer. Give her time to grieve. I rescued special needs doxies for 20 years and had one of my own from a puppy. She died of cancer 2 years ago this week at 15 and she went through the loss of all 6 of the rescued doxies and my husband and she grieved every loss, but eventually bounced back. After the last rescue doxie died and my husband died, she became the “only child”, as we always had 3 rescues at a time, she bounced back, but differently. She became more protective, more mothering of me. She instinctively knew it was just the two of us and she had a new role. As much as she loved all her brothers and sisters, I believe she also loved being the only dog, as she finally received all my attention, which she truly deserved. So give your pup sone time and see if she likes being the “one” or if she wants more brothers and sisters down the road. Sadly, there are always dogs to adopt. It’s very hard and I wish you all the best. 

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