
Subaru National Adopt A Dog Day

There’s so much excitement at my house today!  Chelsea and Peanut watch all the Subaru ads, and they know today is their day!  It’s Subaru’s National Adopt A Dog Day, and they are both adopted!  If I owned a Subaru, I’d drive them to Petco with streamers and banners on my car to announce their special day.  Maybe it’s a good thing I don’t own one because Chelsea would insist on driving.  So, to celebrate, they’ll each get an extra treat, and Chelsea will get to wear her Pumpkin Hat.

We adopted Peanut last September, so she’s been with us a year now.  What you may not know is that I flew to Nashville to adopt her.  Yep, she’s a Nashville, Tennessee girl.  They say you know the right dog when you see it, and I’m a believer!   From her first airplane ride on Southwest…

…to her bed in my studio…

…she proved me right!  She fits right into our family.   I just knew she was the right dog for us, and she’s worth every penny I spent to get her here.

Rescue dogs know that they’ve been rescued, and they are forever grateful.  Just ask someone who’s rescued a dog, and you’ll hear the same story over and over.  They give back endless love.


Is there a rescue dog in your life?  Tell us!  Happy Adopt a Dog Day!




  • Linda Lusby

    Hi Anne and followers!
    I currently have 12, yes twelve, rescued dogs in my home and I love them all. Over the past 10 years or so I think I’ve had 20+ dogs calling my house their home. They are my life. To come home and see their wagging tails and bright eyes is a fabulous reward – even if they do try to push me out of bed every night.  As the saying goes – who rescued who??

  • Dee Winter

    My rescue is a white lab who belonged to our son. He brought her over to stay while the moved, she never went back!  Love her, even though I live on 100 acres, she can’t stay in her own yard!  

  • Judy Chastain

    Yes, we have an adopted cat and dog. Our dog, Ranger is vacationing in NYS with our son while his papa gets medical treatment. Who ever heard of a dog who doesn’t like to ride in the car? We have now! Cheers to you and Chelsea and Peanut.

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