
National Pet Day

Did you know it’s National Pet Day? It’s a day to do something a little extra for your pet, maybe a second walk, two treats, extra loves, and hugs.

My Sweet Chelsea turns 12 this month!  I just can’t believe it. I’m not going to tell her she’s getting up there in age. She’s still a young dog at heart.  And because it’s National Pet Day she’ll get an extra treat…oh wait, she already had one!  Maybe a second walk instead.

Our Peanut is the happiest of all our pets today.  She’s thrilled to be in the “Sutton” family and for her, that’s the best present.  She fits into our family like she’s always been here.  I’ll let her sleep in this morning.  She loves her bed so much!

Sylvester is getting a new package of springs today.  These are his favorite toys, and why I think he needs more, I don’t know.  There are dozens of these all over our house, under every shelf or cabinet we have.  When the appliance man came to work on our washing machine, he found at least 20 when he pulled out the machine.


Tweety is sleeping on the hutch in my studio this morning.  He doesn’t care about the springs as much as Sylvester does, so for him, a good head rub on pet day will make him happy.

As sweet as he looks on top of that box, he does have his moments.  When I was trying to take this photo of my redwork fabric…

…Tweety photobombed it!  Gotta love those pets!

The Moda designers have shared pictures of their pets, and you can see them on the Moda blog today.

What will you do for your pet on this National Pet Day?







  • Karen D Martin

    Chelsea’s sweet face just melts my heart! I think everyday is Pet Day at our house–we are retired and our little rescue dog Willow is our main source of entertainment–lol! 

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