• Peeps help me design

    Yesterday my husband bought me my favorite Easter treat!  PEEPS!  Two packages of yellow chicks.  I consumed one box right away, I just couldn’t help myself.  I’m trying to have control with the other package, make myself eat only one at a time, ok two at a time, but at least sit down at my desk and eat them slowly.  It’s really tough!  I love these little things, and I only get them once a year!  The thing no one knows is that Peeps actually help me design!  They’re my comfort candy.  And I’ve been doing a LOT of designing.  It’s a good thing the stores are filled with Peeps!  …

  • New Year’s Day Winners

    I thought Chelsea would join me tonight to announce the winners, but she’s been sleeping for most of the day. She had good intentions, I know she did.  I read her some of your comments last night as we watched the ball drop in New York (that would be 9PM California time), and we all went to bed right after that.  Seems her night’s sleep was disrupted by very loud fireworks right around midnight.  It scared her and Milkshake so much it took me over an hour just to calm them down.  It sounded like a war zone here! While Chelsea caught up on her beauty sleep today I read each…