
Milkshake Sutton

We said goodbye to Milkshake today.  She died in my arms, wrapped in a soft blanket.  She was 14 1/2 and had congestive heart failure, although, in the end, it wasn’t her heart that got her, it was kidney failure.

She defied the cardiologist when he told her she had 4 months to live in June of, 2015.  I know she didn’t like him much anyway so she remained in the care of her regular vet who is anything but “regular”.  Today, when we said goodbye, her vet cried as much as we did.

I’m so blessed to have had this dog as a part of our lives.  She brought love and joy to all of us.   I feel so empty today like someone took a huge piece of me away.  I know time will fill the emptiness and I’ll be left with her wonderful memories.


A dog’s love is like no other.  She will be missed so much.






  • Gale

    So sorry for your loss Anne, but she was one lucky dog to be your family.  I know the sadness of losing a beloved pet.  Only time will heal your heart and all the happy memories will be even more cherished.  Sending hugs!!

  • DeAnna Dodson

    Oh, Anne, I’m crying with you. I always loved sweet Milkshake. I have cats, but if I were to get it dog, I’d want one just like her. She was so beautiful and dainty looking. I always wanted to just hug her. I’m glad you were with her to the very last. It’s never easy to lose someone so precious, but, yes, you will always have her sweet memory.  :::hugs:::

  • Pati Akers

    I’m sorry your lil buddy passed away. Sincere condolences to you and your family. I imagine your sweet puppys are enjoying each others company in heaven and saying “I was her favorite”….”No, I was her favorite”. Stay strong <3

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