Fabrics,  Halloween & Fall,  Quilts

Put 101 Maple Street on your calendar for August

Tomorrow (May 1)  is the last day to pre-order your 101 Maple Street quilt kit!  I have to get kit orders into Moda, and of course, I’ll order some extra, but there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to get one if you don’t pre-order.

Join in the fun of making this quilt, and you’ll get to meet Quilly and her babies.  Quilly isn’t a name I pulled out of thin air, it’s actually the name of a real baby quail my mother rescued and nursed back to health.  I remember she loved to take dirt baths (Quilly not my mother).

You’ll also meet Henrietta again, and this time she’s gathering pomegranates.  She’s wearing her rain hat just in case it rains and it’s a good thing because she’s traveling with me to Portland in a few weeks for Quilt Market!

And you’ll meet my newest little rebel named Foxly!  He’s one of those who’d rather play than work to get ready for winter.  Really Foxly?  What are you going to do when the snow starts falling?

Foxly’s block is so much fun to make!  It’s 29″ tall, so we’re not talking about a little maple tree here.  It’s big enough to make a mini quit all on its own!  This happens to be my favorite block in the quilt.  And that Foxly is bound to show up again soon!

Here’s a link to the pre-order section on our website.  These kits will ship in August, just about the same time you’ll be looking for some Fall stitching!

Back soon!



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