
Could you be a winner?

If you didn’t win the hedgehog pincushion, you could easily make one.  Buy the All in a Row Again book, choose two 5″ charm squares and use the Heggie pattern in the book to applique a hedgehog!  It’s so easy and really fun to make. I filled my pincushion with ground walnut shells (you can buy them at any pet store in the bird section). They add a nice “weight” to the pincushion and also help keep your pins and needles sharp.


The Hedgehog Pincushion Winner

The winner of my Hedgehog Pincushion is Joani who left the following comment on my blog:

JOANI – Henry or is it Henrietta? Hedgehog is bringing a teeny bouquet of lovely bright flowers to a new friend. How I hope that new friend is me!😉
I have long admired your bunnies who have so many whimsical and delightful adventures! My husband is on hospice here at home would be so cheered by Henry/Henrietta Hedgehog!
Thank you for all you do! Joani”

Joani, send me an email with your address, and she’ll be in the mail to you on Monday!

Moda All-Stars, All In A Row Again, Book Winners

I wish I could give each one of you a book or a pin cushion, but of course, I can’t.  I can, however, give away Two copies of this beautiful book instead of just one, and I can add a copy of an “e” book from Martingale!  That’s three more winners on this lucky Saturday.

The winner of the first book copy is Lace Faerie who left this comment on my blog:  “I love the versatility of row quilts. They are so easy to put your own personal flair into the quilt by reordering the rows or mixing and matching different themes! I am looking forward to seeing this new book!  Hedgehogs are a favorite in our house! When the kids were young, my Mama had a Pygmy Hedgehog name Mrs TiggyWink that was hand raised and loved being entertained by the kids! Ever since, hedgehogs have been a family favorite!”

The winner of the second book copy is Marilyn who left this comment on my blog: ” The book looks wonderful! I would love to do a camping quilt for my nephew and his wife. I also love Hedgehogs too!! Thanks!”

The “E” book goes to:

Helen Berry, who wrote in her comment:  “I would love to win this book so I can make your hedgehog row into a sideboard runner. My daughter and I are mad about hedgehogs, having fostered a couple of sick hedgies through our wet, miserable winters. They are considered a pest here in New Zealand, and some sickos actually try to run them over if they see one on the road. It’s very hard to let them go after nurturing them for a few months, never knowing what’s become of them.”

Helen, you’ll receive the “E” book through email from Martingale!

Congratulations to all the winners.  If you didn’t win a book or the pincushion I hope you’ll add these to your “must purchase” and “must make” list.

Happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone!





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