Quilts,  Sugar Plum Stocking Treats

stocking treats block nine

Birds and berries go together and for block nine we’ve included both…a combination of our Christmas bird and Christmas berries!

Block Nine

 Here’s block nine in our Sugar Plum Christmas fabric!

Look how close we are getting to the end of this quilt!  After today, we only have 3 more blocks to go!

I can’t believe we’ve come this far.  Don’t worry if you haven’t kept up.  There’s still plenty of time to finish and if you can’t finish this year, put it on your schedule for next year.  I’ll be back next week with block number ten.




  • mimi'sdarlins

    I always love your little birds, and the berries are such a sweet touch. I am immersed in grandchildren this morning and for the next few days, so I’m downloading these patterns for now but can’t start anything new til later. Meanwhile, I must go and play :)

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