Quilts,  Sugar Plum Stocking Treats

stocking treats block seven

Santa’s bringing us a Christmas angel with block seven!  She’s so sweet and not hard to make. I’ll give you a few tips this week that will help.

Block Seven

Here she is in my Sugar Plum Christmas Fabric:


And here’s our quilt with the addition of our little angel.  Look how far we’ve come, three rows are complete!

Perfect Circles

Applique circles don’t have to be hard to make. All you need is the right tool! I use Perfect Circles by Karen Kay Buckley every time I need to make a circle, and I’m always pleased with the results. We’ve put together a tutorial for you on how to use Perfect Circles.

Perfect Circles Tutorial

Angel’s Cheeks

Tip:  Use the pattern as a guide for the cheeks, but it’s much easier to simply draw the cheek lines freehand. If you know how to draw a hashtag #, just add a third line in both directions, and you’ll have angel cheeks.

Try tracing a few of the lines for the lines for the angel’s bangs, then fill in the lines freehand. Draw a circle on paper and practice first. You’ll see how easy it really is.

I’m sending you an angel nudge this week to remind you that it’s 18 weeks until Christmas! Don’t panic, you still have plenty of time to finish this quilt, but start thinking about all the extra gifts you can make by using just one or two of the stocking blocks.

Have a great week everyone.






  • Marsha B

    Oh, so sweet! She is a darling little angel. I have blocks 1-6 fused and ready to stitch around the applique. I have started to blanket stitch block 1 but the others are waiting patiently. This is an adorable pattern, I can’t wait to have some time to really get into it. Anne, thank you for being so generous with your talents!

  • mimi'sdarlins

    Adorable! Love that hair, looks like me most mornings ;) This quilt is so whimsical, it reminds me of my early crafting days, cute and sweet and always made with my little ones in mind :) My baby granddaughter would love this!

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