Christmas & Winter,  Quilts,  Sugar Plum Stocking Treats

stocking treats block six

Block six brings “Sadie Goose.” She’s my favorite block and one that signals we’re halfway through the stocking quilt!  Don’t you love her?  There’s something about a pink Christmas goose, wearing a Christmas scarf that always gets to me.

Block Six

Now’s the time to use those cute little flower buttons you have in your embellishment kit! They’re for Sadie’s stocking!  You can set them on the stocking when you’ve finished, and take lots of pictures, but don’t sew them on until quilting is complete. Waiting to sew on embellishments is hard for me when I’m working on a quilt. I can’t wait to see the block complete with the addition of the buttons.

Our quilt is definitely growing!  Can you see it starting to take shape?

Here’s Sadie Goose in our fabric:

Tell me how you’re doing with your quilt.  Are you keeping up?  Having any problems?  Enjoying the process?  If you’ve managed to keep up, congratulations to you!  Have a great sewing weekend everyone!



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