
Fun with Moda

Moda has two fun things happening this year that you might not know about yet.  First is a year of contests called “12 Designers, 12 Months, 12 contests”.  If you put all the prizes you could win from entering these contests together,  you’d need a truck to carry it all!  


Each of the participating designers have a contest for you to enter.  Each contest is different, so you never know what’s coming, but they do have one thing in common, prizes, prizes, prizes!  Here’s the list of participating designers:


If you’d like to participate in these contests, visit the Moda blog on the 5th of each month to read about that month’s designer.   Post your finished project each month to Instagram or Facebook.  You can choose one contest or try them all.  It’s fun to see what everyone creates and you could win some great prizes!   Just look at what Kaari has created with the assorted blocks her winners created!  You can see the January and February creations by searching Instagram or Facebook with the hashtags #12contestsfrenchgeneral or #12contestssweetwater.  The Me & My Sister challenge has just started and they have the cutest table runner for you to make!  You’ll not only end up with a great table runner, you could also win some prizes!


Next is the Blockheads group.  It’s a free block of the week from 6 designers!  Blockheads starts this week, and you’ll get a total of 48 blocks, one each week for the rest of the year!

Here’s block #1 from Lynne Hagmeier of Kansas Troubles.

You can find the blocks and pattern each week on The Moda Blog!

You can see more pictures on Instagram and Facebook by searching for #modablockheads and they have a Facebook group that they just started called Moda Blockheads.

Thank you Moda for inspiring us!  Because of you we devote every minute we can to quilting!

Have a great weekend filled with fun sewing!




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