
The Merci La Vie Quilt

Writing about the Merci La Vie quilt gives me an overwhelming feeling of emotion.  Each time I think of the special ladies who worked on this quilt I realize what a special place in my heart they each hold.  As I prepare to leave for Quilt Market this year, I’m reminded that I’ll be seeing some of them very soon.  I want to scoop them up into a huge group hug!   If you don’t remember hearing about this Merci La Vie quilt, you can read about it on my blog here.


This special quilt is currently at the American Cancer Society getting ready for a high society event!  It will be attending  The American Cancer Society’s Jewel Ball, on November 19th because I’ve donated it for their auction!   To each of you who gave your precious time and skills to the making of this quilt I say THANK YOU!  I hope to see some of you next week at quilt market.

I hope you enjoy some of the closeups of these quilt blocks!


Much love,



  • Lea Kagel

    Oh my! This lovely quilt takes my breath away not only in the gorgeous patterns and applique but the messages of hope, love, kindness and compassion. My heart goes out to all those suffer from this horrible disease especially the brave women of whom it affects in such a personal way. I hope this generous offering generates much monetarily as well as in awareness. Thank you, dearest Anne
    You are a jewel.

  • Margaret Mead

    I somehow managed to miss the explanation of this quilt when it first came out. Thank you for explaining it now. I’ve always thought it was beautiful now it’s even more so.

  • Colleen

    Anne so nice to see this quilt again and go back and read about those who used their hands to make it, such a great group of women.
    I hope this quilt beings in lots of money to help find the cures for cancer, especially woman’s cancer

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