
Never hire a tabby cat

Never hire a tabby cat.   They sleep on the job and don’t get any work done.   Trust me on this one…

page turner

I actually paid him to turn the pages for me.  I don’t know what I was thinking!


He may look pretty, but those are the eyes of a lazy cat.


  • Colleen

    Oh my I ah we are owned by 2 cats one lazy and one who brings us gifts over the years we have been gifted live lizards, dead and live mice, dead and live rats, dead birds, and just this Spring a first a snake I could not tell you if that was dead or alive I was to busy directing my husband to get the cat and her snake out far out and lock her out.

    We had one cat a huge sweet as can be kitty who used to catch and bring mice live mice in an put them down in front of the chihuahua and demonstrat how to catch and release and catch again and try as he might that cat was never able to teach that dog how to be a mouser

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