
Never hire a tabby cat

Never hire a tabby cat.   They sleep on the job and don’t get any work done.   Trust me on this one…

page turner

I actually paid him to turn the pages for me.  I don’t know what I was thinking!


He may look pretty, but those are the eyes of a lazy cat.


  • DeAnna Dodson

    Believe me, you want a lazy cat.

    I have two busy ones, and it’s like keeping up with toddlers. My lazy one is no trouble at all.

    Of course, if I could teach them to do housework, then we’d be good. :D

  • Little Quiltsong

    Oh – he totally looks like our Sebastian Cat. Our daughter brought him home from college. I never wanted a cat in the house, but he changed my mind :). We still really miss him. Enjoy your lovable ‘lazy’ cat!

  • Christina

    Very true! We have an orange tabby that works very hard testing the comfort of the chair. Since he is geriatric, we don’t mind his extended lunch breaks.

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