Other Nice Things

Welcome Back

Some of you have emailed me to make sure I’m still here..I’m here! I’m here! Welcome to my new updated Bunny Tales.  I’ve been thinking about giving my blog a new look for some time now, and I finally decided that no matter what, I had to make time to do it.  I hope you like it.

Instead of leading you into a single post on the home page, I’ve given you a selection.  The current post will always be in the upper left corner.  Just click on it and you’ll be there.  If you’re looking for something in particular you can use the “Search” tab over in the right side bar.  I’m amazed at how great it works.  For example, try searching for the picture I took of an artichoke.  Just type in artichoke, click on go, and three posts that mention the word “artichoke” will come up.  Go ahead, try it and I’ll wait for you.  Just be sure and come right back!

Great, I’m glad you’re back!  I hope you read the posts while you were there, because I’ve decided to do a “welcome back to my blog give-away”!  Just look at what I’m giving away…

Cosmo Collection

…three bags of Cosmo Embroidery Floss!  There’s enough floss in each bag,  you may never have to buy floss again!  To win one of these floss bags, leave me a comment with the word “artichoke” in it.  You can copy from any of my previous posts, or you can make up your own sentence using the word artichoke.  I guarantee inside each of these bags is an artichoke color floss that you can use to embroider little artichokes (see how easy it is?).  I’ll pick three random winners on Monday, June 20th.

And here’s some news that might make you feel better if you don’t win one of these treat bags.  Cosmo floss will be 25% off during our upcoming sale.  I’ve moved our July 4th sale to June!  For three days everything on our website will be 25% off.  Everything!   So save the dates of June 24, 25 and 26!  It’s our annual July 4th sale early!

I’ve missed all of you and it feels good to be back in blog-land.  I hope you’re enjoying some California artichokes this weekend!






  • liz n.

    Two artichokes are crossing the street when one of them gets hit by a bus. His friend frantically calls 911, and paramedics soon arrive and rush the injured artichoke to the e.r.

    At the hospital, the worried friend paces nervously until a doctor emerges from the trauma unit. “I have good news and bad news,” the doctor says.

    “What’s the good news?”

    “He survived.”

    “And the bad news?”

    “Well, don’t get too choked up about this, but he’ll be a vegetable for the rest of his life.”

    Thank you, thank you; I’m here all week!

  • mimi'sdarlins

    Hi Anne! You already know that I love your new blog design. But I have to admit, the only thing I like about artichokes is the color and the beautiful plant itself. Thanks for the giveaway, the floss looks amazing!

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