
Quick Gifts

I bought a few 5″ x 5″ black frames (inside opening) for quilt market to display some of my Halloween quilt blocks.  The blocks looked cute in the frames, but they were destined for my new Halloween quilt.

Log cabin block

spooky block

So after market I removed the quilt blocks and I was left with empty frames that needed filling.   I decided to play around with some of those cute buttons I have on my website.


StockingsStars and Bunny-0172It was so simple to let the buttons do the work.  I used Mochi Linen for the background fabric, and traced the stocking and sheep curve with the edge of a small plate.  Then I embroidered the lines with a stem stitch and 2 strands of embroidery floss.

Maybe you’ve got some cute buttons you’ve been saving forever and you don’t know what to do with them.  Try framing a few for those last minute gifts!



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