Quilt Market

Leaving town again

I keep thinking I’ll fit in a blog post any day now, but here I am getting ready to get on a plane for Portland this morning with not much done.  I’m flying to Holly Hill Quilt Shoppe along with 4 other designers to show 150 ladies how to make our little Christmas projects!

I’ll just give you a quick run down on my schedule so you’ll understand why there’s not been a peep from me.

I got my fabric two weeks before market.  Need I say more?  It was like a nuthouse around here and the main quilt never did get finished.  Such is the world of applique.  :>)

Market was the most emotional ever.  It was Moda’s 40th anniversary and it was such an honor to be able to help them celebrate.  Here’s our group photo in front of the amazing quilt made for Mark Dunn.

Moda 40th

When I returned from market I was stranded at the airport because my poor husband was so sick he couldn’t make the 1  1 /2 hour drive to come get me.  I had to call for back-up.

I brought home everyone’s cold from the airplane.  It lasted a week and I spent 4 days in bed just sleeping.  Now I’m feeling better and I’m off again!

The next 5 days in Portland are filled with rain.  Wonder if I should put plastic bags over my new suede boots?

I’ll try to take lots of pictures for you so you can see how a Christmas crafting party is done.  It’s amazing!  I’ll fill you in on new patterns etc. after I get home next week.  Have a wonderful weekend everyone!






  • Colleen

    Oh man I feel for your poor husband to be feeling that poorly…….glad you had a backup plan. Then you getting a bad cold ( the lady’s from quilters garden in Sacramento had flight problems so spent extra day? in the airport) I heard the rain well weather in Texas was terrible this year. Every one thinks designers live a glamorous life so it’s good that you let us know the real story.
    It’s too bad you had to leave straight away your four footed family must be really missing you

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