
Waiting for fabric

It’s the first day of Autumn and normally I wouldn’t even notice its arrival.  I should be heavy into market sewing because Quilt Market starts on October 24th.  Yet, here I sit waiting for my sample yardage to arrive and enjoying a touch of Fall weather.  It should arrive around September 29th. and there will be a lot of stress sewing once it comes.

I’ll share pictures of my new fabric line as soon as I can, but first you have to promise NOT to be shocked.  There’s not even a touch of pink in it.  I can’t believe it myself!  Here’s a little hint to lead you down the Bunny Hill next fabric line path…some of the colors are pumpkin, apricot, ash grey and raven.   Every time I look at my strike offs I feel like I have bats in my belfry. I’m a little spooked that my fabric isn’t here yet.

While I’m waiting on fabric to arrive I’ve been spending time reading.  Look what arrived in the mail yesterday!  I’m excited about this book because I didn’t get to see the exhibit.  I’m reading it page by page, trying to get a sense of what Joanna Rose shared with New York City.  I’m grateful to the American Folk Art Museum for producing this book.  You can find it on Amazon and it’s worth every penny.

Red & White Quilt Book

I’ve just finished reading 3 new mystery books, all from authors that I follow.  I look for books that belong to a series because I love to read one after the other. These books are the latest in the each author’s individual series so if you decide to read them, make sure you start at the beginning of their series. You can find book lists on each author’s website.

If you’re a Sue Grafton fan, “X” is her newest book and it doesn’t disappoint.  I can’t believe she is actually on “X” and only has Y and Z to go!  Kinsey Millhone, the main character, is way too young to retire so I hope she’ll keep her going in more books once she reaches the letter Z!

Sue Grafton


Louise Penny, another one of my favorite authors, just released “Nature of the Beast”.  I love her main character, Chief Inspector Gamache, but I hope she puts him back in charge in the next book.  I hoped she might do that throughout the book, but she kept him in retirement.  This book was a little harder to follow than her previous ones, but I still enjoyed it.

I read J.D. Robb’s “Devoted in Death” in just two days.   I could hardly put it down and over the weekend I read every chance I got.  Now that I’ve finished, I’m already anticipating her next one.  She just can’t write fast enough for me.

As for applique, I’m finishing up the last swag border on the “Merci la Vie” quilt that will be donated to the American Cancer Society.  I’ve set an applique goal of two swags a day and I’ll be finished this week!  I’ll tell you about everyone who had a part in making this donation quilt in my next newsletter, October 5th.   It’s an amazing labor of love. Look for the story here on my blog and in my newsletter.

Happy first day of Fall everyone!  Are you ready for it?

Back soon,





  • mimi'sdarlins

    Oh, that book looks like a must have! You have me curious about your new fabric line, looking forward to seeing it. Too bad it’s so late in arriving, but I’m sure you and your staff will be ready in time for market, although a bit frazzled. Just try to relax and enjoy another book :)

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