
Red & White

Remember when the Red & White Quilt Exhibit was in New York?  If you were lucky enough to attend, I’m envious.  That was something I think all of us wanted to see.  The pictures, blog posts and stories from that event were wonderful.

Finally, thanks to the American Folk Art Museum, we can all visit and enjoy those wonderful quilts while sitting in a comfy chair enjoying a cup of tea in our own home.

Red and White Quilts Infinite Variety

I pre-ordered my copy of this book from Amazon yesterday.  The release date is September 22nd and if you have Amazon Prime you get free shipping!  650 red and white quilts, can you imagine?  I can hardly wait!



  • Hildy

    Now this book will right now come on my amazon wishlist and perhaps it’ll be a xmas gift from me to me (or my mum). Do you know if it’s just the photos or the instructions as well? that would be even better:-)

  • Colleen

    Thank you anne and thank to your blog reader for her free app information. I have yet to see a red and white quilt that I don’t like and hope I never do.
    I want to make one I am thinking an Irish chain would meet my abilities

  • Peggy M

    Thank you for the info on the book and the app! I didn’t see the exhibit either. I’m looking forward to seeing the quilts in the book and I’ll try the app.

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