
Doxie Dog Fever

I’m back from Quilt Market and feel like I have a fever…Doxie Dog Fever!  These little dogs were a hit at market. Apparently a lot of you are Doxie lovers.  There’s something about those little long bodies and big droopy ears that we all seem to love.

LuluHere’s the real life Lulu sleeping on my sweater when I was dog sitting her…

The real LuluNow that she’s inspired a quilt I wonder if it will all go to her head?

Doxie Dog

The Doxie Dog Quilt is traveling back from Quilt Market and I’m working on the pattern now.  I’ll have it on the website soon.  We’re still taking pre-orders for kits if you’d like one.

Doxies are popping up all over.  I follow the Handmade Charlotte blog and she’s made a candy bar doxie that the cutest thing ever!  You can make one too, if you click on the link to her blog!  Her directions are great!

Remember in my last blog post I said I’d bring some treats back from Quilt Market?  If you are one of the first 10 comments on my last post, email me your address.  You’re in for a treat!

I’ll be back soon to tell you about my favorite “find” from Quilt Market.




  • Susan

    Can’t wait to see your favorite find! I love reading eveyone’s quilt market posts! Love your little doggie!

  • Noelene Winter

    Hi Anne,

    Dixie dog is adorable………so are your gorgeous dogs……..

    Just love your snowmen too you are so generous with your free patterns….thank you.


  • Nancy B.

    Finally, some competition for Scottie dogs! I love the doggie pillow in pink, my favorite color!, and a Dachshund too, yippee! The quilt looks precious, the fabrics are perfect, I can’t wait to see the whole thing! We had Dachshunds when I was little. They are wonderful dogs.

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