
Snow Happy Hearts for May

Hopefully you’re busy stitching away on your Snow Happy Hearts snow lady for May.  I’m a little late blogging about her, because I’ve had so many last-minute things to do to get ready for quilt market.  Just in case you haven’t seen the pattern yet, I’ve linked you to it below.

Snow Happy Hearts for May

We’re still putting the binding on Merci La Vie, and the quilts are yet to be photographed for our pattern fronts, but we’re going to market and that’s what counts!  We’ll be closed for the week of May 13th so any orders placed on our website will ship starting Tuesday, May 19th.  I apologize in advance for the delay, and I promise to bring back some exciting things to make up for it.  Maybe I’ll have a market sample giveaway, and if you’ve followed my blog, you’ll remember I’m pretty sneaky when I do a giveaway.  :>)

My husband is jumping for joy that I’m leaving next week.  I’ve been impossible to live with for the past few weeks and he’s waiting for his peace and quiet around here.  He’ll eat like a king while I’m gone, having fish, red meat, and of course a little wine.

There are two family members who are not happy to see me leave.  Milkshake howls when I’m gone and she’s taught Chelsea to do it too.  Opps, there went hubby’s peace and quiet.  I communicate with my husband mostly through emails while I’m at market, because when I phone, Milkshake will start the howling if she hears my voice.

Milkshake and Chelsea

 Unfortunately for my sweet babies, these are the only dogs going to quilt market with me.

Lulu dogs for quilt marketLulu is our newest Bunny Hill Petite pattern and we’ll be adding her to the website today.  She’ll be ready to ship in just a few weeks.  She was inspired by my grand-baby dog, who is actually named Lulu.  Here’s a photo of my granddaughter Michaela (she turns 15 on Tuesday) and Lulu.

Michaela_&_Lulu_(1_of_1)Oh, and before I forget, we’ve noticed that once in a while our blog gets a “glitch” and the homepage changes to a different layout.  It seems to go back to normal if we give it time. ,If you’re visiting and you get a strange layout, just check back later.  We’ll be fixing it when we get back from market, once we can figure out what’s wrong.

Have a great week everyone.  I wish I could take you all with me to Quilt Market!




  • Laura Lynch

    Anne, Thank you for posting the daring Snow Gal pattern this month… she’s so cute… love the red check fabric background… I think I might have something similar in my stash. Michaela is beautiful & looks so grown up. Lulu is really cute (both the furry & fabric Lulu)! You’ve worked so hard to get ready for the show & I can’t wait to see pics of the show too! Have fun with all your designing friends!


  • Colleen

    Beautiful granddaughter and her dog is lovely too. Your howling Milkshake made me laugh then cry we had a wonderful dog (over the rainbow bridge now) who would bark when the door bell rang at home or on TV. She didn’t go to the door she just barked until we asked her to stop or she tried of barking. She also was the dog that walked on the TV remote and turned the TV on or off or changed channels. She was wonderful she lost her hearing we knew because she stopped barking at the door bell sound she got cataracts and couldn’t see we found out when we moved and she got lost on the patio. She never stopped changing the TV though

  • Beth

    Wonderful little snowlady, darling puppies, beautiful granddaughter, adorable pattern! This blog has so much happy :) Have fun at Market!

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