
Snapshots Quilt Along Block Three

I thought I’d be creative and photograph my Snapshots quilt block with something green for St. Patrick’s Day.  The first thing I realized when looking around my house is that I don’t own very much in the way of green.  Certainly nothing that looks as cute as the tea kettle in this month’s block!


I did happen to find a vintage flower pot that belonged to my mother and I filled it with some shamrock plants.   Now for a cup of tea!

This is one of my favorite blocks.  Who doesn’t love a quilt star in the center of a tea kettle?  And have you ever seen such creative “steam”?

I’ve picked out the remainder of the fabric for my blocks and will start sewing them together soon.  This is going to be one happy quilt!

Hop on over to the Fat Quarter Shop and get your Tea Kettle block!

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Hope you’ve had a great St Patrick’s Day!




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