Christmas & Winter

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday week of fun and relaxing!

Yesterday I took Diana and my grand-daughters into San Francisco to see the Nutcracker Ballet.  We rode Bart and then walked a few blocks to an area they call “The Plaza”.   It’s a beautiful area and it was filled with children dressed in suits and taffeta dresses, all going to the War Memorial Opera House.   The children were a sight to see and the ballet was a magical way to start the holidays!

The War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco
The War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco

Today I’ll finish some shopping and then I look forward to a weekend of relaxing, catching up on television shows, and maybe even some sewing. I can hardly wait!

My family in Germany will be celebrating Christmas ahead of us because of the time difference.  Lily got lots of presents from me, but the one from Chelsea is sitting in customs waiting to be delivered after Christmas.  Here’s Chelsea telling her what to say to Lily when she finally arrives.


What do you have planned for this holiday weekend?  I hope you have some time to relax and enjoy the holiday.


May Santa bring you everything you’ve wished for (Karen in Ireland sent me this beautiful one…thank you Karen!)  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to each of you!




  • Miss Jean

    Happy New Year, Anne! Next year, if you don’t want to travel to San Francisco, The Gallo Theater in Modesto has a fabulous Nutcracker performance. The daughters of our friends are in it.

  • Barb

    Ah, The Nutcracker is such a charming way to celebrate the holidays – how fun for all of you. Chelsea’s “twin” is just too adorable – like Chelsea herself. And the Santa ornament from Ireland is so beautiful – what a wonderful gift!!

    I do hope you had a peaceful, joyous and very Merry Christmas!



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