

I was going through pictures today and I found some of Moochers my cat.

Moochers, I can’t believe we named her that, the poor cat.  She was such a frail thing when she found us, and the name didn’t fit at all.  But there we were in the vet’s office and they asked me her name.  Moochers was all that came to mind, so Moochers it was.

When she found us she was starving
When she found us she was starving

I think that’s why she’s giving me this look.  She just can’t believe I named her that!

You've named me what?
You’ve named me what?

Over time the name grew to fit her.  Or, maybe she grew to fit the name?   Hummm…




 Now she’s a “huge” part of our family and I dare say she’s probably the only cat ever named Moochers.  She comes when she’s called and I take that as a sign she likes her name.


She even looks like a Moochers now.  No starving cats in this house!

Moochers now

She’s getting older and like all of us, she’s starting to show a bit of age.  The fur above her eyes may be thinning but her body sure isn’t.

She’ll be helping me decorate for Christmas this week.  She loves to participate in everything, especially if it involves a pillow.  Have you started decorating yet?  Do you start right after Thanksgiving?


Fyi, we’re working on our blog over the next week trying to fix a few things.  Hopefully our link page will be back soon!



  • mimi'sdarlins

    Hi Anne,
    I’m sure Moochers doesn’t mind her name at all…I expect when she found you she was happy to be called anything :)
    Thanksgiving is usually the go ahead to turn on the outdoor Christmas lights and begin to transition the house from autumn to winter decorating. All that said, I’m a bit slow to start this year but today am hanging garland outside to welcome visitors. Happy Holidays :)

  • Barb

    Moochers is truly a beauty! What a really pretty girl.

    Am I correct, but don’t you have at least 2 other cats – I think they are black kitties. Or am I wrong & confused?

    Anyway, give Moochers a scratch on the head from me :-)

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