
What comes first, the fabric or the quilt?

What comes first, the fabric or the quilt?  Ever wondered about it?

When I started designing, it was the fabric that inspired me.  I’d wait on pins and needles to see the newest lines from Moda.  I’d have several quits in my head and when I saw the right fabric I’d start designing.

Oh joy how things have changed!   Now I design the quilt first and spend many happy hours choosing colors and drawing fabrics to go with it.  Think what this would mean if you were the designer.   Your colors could vary to fit the quilt, and suddenly you’d have your own backgrounds and prints that work in a way they could never work before.  For me its pure heaven.

"Mistletoe Lane" on the way to Moda
“Mistletoe Lane” on the way to Moda


I snapped this picture earlier this year as I was sending off my newest fabric line to Cheryl at Moda.  It’s because of Cheryl and her faith in me, that I can finally work this way.  What you see in the package are color swatches, carefully selected for my newest fabric line and block of the month quilt.  The Scan-disc has all the files to create this new line,  and the package for Cheryl is filled with my ideas.

If you wonder why I’ve been so quiet, it’s because I’ve been dealing with deadlines for this newest fabric line called “Mistletoe Lane”.  I’ve been working on patterns, calculating yardage and everything else that needs to be done while I wait for my sample yardage.  It’s supposed to arrive this week!

“Mistletoe Lane” is coming soon!




  • Judi

    Please, please come out with a new baby line! Since most and I do mean most of the baby quilts I have made(and I have made 8) this year alone, the gender of the child is known. The one who didn’t actually know, took a sealed envelope with the gender info to her baby stuff store and they put away the blue ( in this case) choices she made.

    I desperately need pinks, blues, lavenders with greys and tsuoes. It seems every nursery was pink or blue with grey or taupe this past two years!

    Help! My children and their friends don’t want trucks, farm animals or robots!

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