
Introducing Simple Pleasures

When life gets crazy I turn to applique.   Give me fabric, thread, and a needle and I can relax.   My newest block of the month, “Simple Pleasures” is 12 months of handwork that’s portable and easy to stitch.  Once you’ve prepared a block, it’s perfect to take to along to stitch anywhere you may go.  It will give you something to look forward to while you’re waiting in the doctor’s office or the school parking lot to pick up kids.

“Simple Pleasures” from Bunny Hill Designs

I used this beautiful new fabric from Moda & Collections for a Cause, by Howard Marcus Dunn.  The fabric line is called “Community”.  Moda donates the proceeds from their Collections for a Cause sales to different charities and causes. The proceeds from this fabric line will be donated to The Libby Lehman Medical Fund.

Fabric for Simple Pleasures; “Community” by Collections for a Cause, Moda


I’ve included a fabric guide for you below and you’ll also find this fabric guide inside the pattern.  The fabric ships to quilt shops in September and we’ll be shipping the patterns in just a few weeks.

Simple Pleasures Fabric Guide

If I had to pick a favorite block, I think it would be the lamb in block 3.   She’s feeling great because she’s standing under her lucky shamrock.

Block Three, March; “Simple Pleasures”


There’s a time in life when we need things to be simple and this little lamb is simple sweet.  I hope you’re excited about another applique quilt!  Here’s a little secret I’ll let you in on just in case you didn’t know…people who do applique are a happy bunch.

Happy Memorial Day weekend my happy applique friends!  I’ll be back to show you more new patterns very soon.




  • mimi'sdarlins

    I love this new pattern, Anne! All of the Moda ‘Cause’ collections are so beautiful, too. Your applique patterns have a quietness about them that I find appealing. I have several applique quilts in progress, many of them yours…it’s so nice to pick up a block and stitch as you mentioned.

  • DeAnna Dodson

    Awww, isn’t that sweet? I love it.

    And, yes, the lamb is just darling. I wish you’d design a whole lamb quilt! :D

    Of course, I’m still plugging away on Baltimore Bunnies, but I’ve finished all the blocks and one border, so I’m getting there. Whew!

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