Family & Friends

Stitching for a Cure

Yesterday was chemo day again and I spent the morning at the hospital with my daughter-in-law.  When I came home there was a package waiting for me from my friend Pauline.

Just look at what she made using breast cancer fabric!  Exquisite little bags to hold sewing things, cosmetics or anything else we can dream up.  One for me and one for my daughter-in-law.  Can you believe how cute they are?  These are #7 & #8 that Pauline made using this special cancer fabric.  She’s “stitching for a cure”!


Present from Pauline

These are gifts to treasure…

Stitching for a Cure

…made even more special because they were stitched by a friend.  Thank you Pauline!

If you’ve tried to place an order on our website this week and couldn’t do it, we’re back up and running again.   If you’re one of the customers we spoke with on the phone, thank you for your patience and support!




  • Cheryl in kansas

    Sweet gifts! You, your daughter in law and family are in my thoughts and prayers continually….God can do mighty things, wishing He keeps you all in His loving arms and gives you all the strength to get through this tough time…
    With love…Cheryl

  • Pam in Indiana

    What sweet gifts! One of my quilting friends is in the middle of her chemo. She will be with us next weekend. She is the third in our group who are breast cancer survivors and we support one another through this. Know that I’ve been praying for your daughter-in-law as well as for Paula. (((Hugs)))

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