
Cotton Candy

Look what I bought for Valentines Day!

MilkshakeA pink fluffy dog bed.  I just couldn’t help myself!

Milkshake 1

I just hope I don’t have to end up buying two; one for Chelsea and one for Milkshake.  My studio could start looking like a cotton candy store!

Anne :>)


  • Linda Enslow

    I love your Believe pillow and am looking forward to making my version. Your framed B is adorable as well. I feel inspiration knocking.

  • Anne Beale

    Hi Anne,

    Milkshake looks perfectly content on her fluffy pink bed but I do think that Chelsea will need one also. Both of your doggies have such sweet faces and dispositions to match ( I am sure) I hope Milkshake is settling in. I think that if I were a puppy I’d like to reside in your studio.

    Warmest regards


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