Sign of the Times
For years I’ve collected the back issues of Victoria Magazine, searching eBay for issues, and finally happy to say I think I have them all. Two full shelves dedicated to these magazines, neatly organized in boxes by year.
This week as I was flipping through the latest issue of Victoria guess what I saw? You can now buy a set of 2 DVD’s with all the back issues of Victoria. Every single issue and the ability to search by subject, article , name etc.
Two full shelves of magazines or 2 little DVD’s? People tell me it’s not the same as flipping through the actual magazine, and then I keep picturing those 2 little DVD’s sitting quietly on the shelf, not taking up much space, not collecting much dust. I’m in a mood to simplify my life . What would you do?
Speaking of de-cluttering, if you haven’t been over to the website lately, you’ll find Moda Bella, Essential Dots and Grunge on sale for 50% off. Also while you’re there be sure and look at what’s in the Sale section. I’m discontinuing all the Cosmo multiwork floss except for #4300 red. We’ll still have the Cosmo floss when we move to our new website, just not the Cosmo multiwork. This is your chance my sweet blog readers to purchase those backings or add to your fabric stash before I announce it in my newsletter next week.
Hope you’re having a great weekend. I’m finishing up the last quilt before market and then its off to be quilted!
Monica Massanyi
Go to the dvd’s…simplify,,it will be very freeing! I did the same with all my books.. Now my closet full of books is in my kindle…and I have all that extra space
Oh my….we are such kindred spirits. I have every issue from the FIRST one way back when. I treasure them and just like you they are neatly placed in magazine holders. BUT….I am thinking I need to get rid of them too. So much space, so little time to enjoy them. I might just pull all the favorite issues and say goodby to the rest. Oh, when I think of the hours of pleasure, but simplifying is where my heart and head is too!!!!
Sharon O
KEEP the magazines and keep them on a wonderful little library shelf for you to look at over and over. Never would I hardly ever go back and look on a dvd… and it takes away the beauty of the magazine. Pour a hot cup of tea, eat a cookie and look and read and enjoy. I have a box of them myself not sure where but I do know I have them.