
Stitch Zakka

Sneaky thing I did yesterday,  having you leave comments telling me what books you’re reading.  It never fails, every time I ask you about books, I come up with new ones to read!  It’s so great how this thing called blogging works!


As promised, I picked two of you to win a copy of “Stitch Zakka”.  This is such a great book, filled with so many talented designers and great projects.  Here are the winners:

1.  Susan Vicary:  who wrote, “We have so many of the same books..must have started quilting about the same time.  I’m reading A Single Thread by Marie Bostwick..involves a quilt shop of course.  I do a lot of hand embroidery and love it…I’ve never seen the book you’re offering to give away, would be thrilled to win.  Thank you for all your hard work and inspiration!  A faithful follower..peacefully yours.”

2.  Tammy:  who wrote,  “I am reading a non sewing book currently. Kill me Again by Maggie Shayne. But I bought a new quilting book today. More 90- Minute Quilts by Meryl Ann Butler. It looks really good.  Ohh I have been wanting a Stitch Zakka book forever. I am gonna cross my fingers & toes on this one.  Thank you for the chance to enter.”

Congratulations Susan and Tammy.  I Hope everyone enjoyed Book Lover’s Day on the Moda blog!

Back soon,



  • Deborah Hays

    Oh Anne…. it’s scary how many books you own that are also found on my book shelve…I mean shelves! Don’t you just love Quilts, Quilts, Quilts! I remember the days when it was hard to find. And crazy quilting..oh my. I do adore my books. My last laugh came when I saw you giving away the book, Stitch Zakka, yup.. I’ve got it! Do we know each other?? ;-) Happy reading, Debbie

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