
Capture those pet moments

Pets are a source of continuous smiles for most of us, but taking photos of them is something we don’t do often enough.  There are endless photo moments I don’t want to miss, so I’ve begun carrying my iPhone in my pocket so I can snap a picture anytime.  For example…


Pumpkin knows the secrets of camouflage. Lay really still and curl up in a big wood bowl, no one will notice you.  Well, almost no one.  I don’t recommend this as a decorating idea, but Pumpkin sure thought it was great.


…and Chelsea’s been playing around with my iPhone taking self portraits.  I hope she doesn’t start doing Instagram!

Self Portrait

Karen Scott (one of my blog readers) shared these photos of her dog Sapphire, meeting the “Bitty Bunny” she just made.   Seems to me it’s a case of one gentle soul meeting another gentle soul.  I’m so glad she had her camera to capture this moment!

Sapphire and Bitty

Gentle Sapphire

…and here’s Mooch dreaming of a pedicure I’m sure.  Lazy Cat

Our pets share our world more than anyone else, so get those cameras and phones out.   Start capturing those priceless moments that make you smile.  Pledge to take more pet photos and you’ll be so glad you did!

Sunday hugs to you and your pets!



  • Vikki

    Hello to you all, this post struck a cord with me and felt I had to comment. My other half little over a year ago sadly lost his furry friend Oscar his 10 year cat. The Sercumstance in which he lost is pet was not nice and lead to him making a choice to put him down . But from this came his new bi eyed boy blade a Siberian husky. Which he was able to pick from the litter . But from oscars passing when we went looking for photos we sadly could only find three . But we learnt from this and when blade was old enough to come home we started snapping and after blades first birthday and the Christmas that followed I gave my other half a scrap book of his pups first years journey . And he will never forget these years and always be able to flick threw . I looked threw this book befor giving it to him and saw an amazing change and all those little things he may have missed had we not took the pics
    Thank you for this post and the loving memories I have of my pets and my bf’s

  • Beth

    Yay! I was so glad to see your pet pics – especially of Pumpkin. I was wondering how he had settled in and it looks like he’s happy being an indoor kitty now, safe and sound. The bowl picture made me laugh – where there is a will there’s a way! He is a beauty, that is for sure. I love all of your pet posts. They really do make a house a home :)

    I saw on your post above you are hooked on Project Runway – it’s a great show! I have loved it for years. Also, if you like dramas, give Downton Abbey a try. It lives up to the hype. We have also been hooked on Mad Men (although Season Six was not my favorite). I’m like you. It’s great to be able to record things and enjoy them during sewing time. Have a great day!

  • Dawn

    Awww, they are all absolute darlings! Chelsea’s gorgeous self photo really made me smile too – I often find Pip, our kitty cuddling up to the phone, I’m convinced she’s got a Twitter account :)

    Hugs to you and your pets x x

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