
Capture those pet moments

Pets are a source of continuous smiles for most of us, but taking photos of them is something we don’t do often enough.  There are endless photo moments I don’t want to miss, so I’ve begun carrying my iPhone in my pocket so I can snap a picture anytime.  For example…


Pumpkin knows the secrets of camouflage. Lay really still and curl up in a big wood bowl, no one will notice you.  Well, almost no one.  I don’t recommend this as a decorating idea, but Pumpkin sure thought it was great.


…and Chelsea’s been playing around with my iPhone taking self portraits.  I hope she doesn’t start doing Instagram!

Self Portrait

Karen Scott (one of my blog readers) shared these photos of her dog Sapphire, meeting the “Bitty Bunny” she just made.   Seems to me it’s a case of one gentle soul meeting another gentle soul.  I’m so glad she had her camera to capture this moment!

Sapphire and Bitty

Gentle Sapphire

…and here’s Mooch dreaming of a pedicure I’m sure.  Lazy Cat

Our pets share our world more than anyone else, so get those cameras and phones out.   Start capturing those priceless moments that make you smile.  Pledge to take more pet photos and you’ll be so glad you did!

Sunday hugs to you and your pets!



  • Bernie

    Aww, I love cute pet pictures…EXCEPT when pets are on tables or kitchen counters. Just creeps me out. Please tell me you NEVER use that wooden bowl for food! I dont care
    how much you wash it out :-/

    • Anne

      Oh my gosh Bernie, you don’t have to worry. That’s a vintage wood dough bowl I purchased on Ebay and now I fill it with ornaments at Christmas, eggs at Easter etc.

      I would never use it for food. No, Pumpkin is not allowed in the center of my dining room table, but he sometimes has a mind of his own and is sneaky. :>)


  • katie

    thanks for posting this I love pet pictures and love sharing them with everyone else — rarely do i put up a blog post that doesn’t feature a critter. One of my kitties likes to hid in piles of fabric and i found him this morning in the guild’s stash fabric — not on the top mind you but about 3 layers deep in a little nest and missed the photo because the phone was still on the charger.

  • Kathleen OGrady

    Looks like Pumpkin found the perfect home with you. And you are so right, we love our dog more than anything and don’t take near enough photo’s. Today I got to bring my German Shepherd to work with me :)) I work in a office so I normally don’t bring her with me. Only thing better would to be at home sewing with her laying next to me.

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