
Alphabet Art

If you take pictures with your iPhone you may want to try the AfterLight app.  It’s really fun!  There’s a lot you can do with it, including what I call alphabet art.  I made the following photos in just a few minutes using this app.

L is for Lily


M is for Michaela


A is for Alyssa


 C is for Chelsea


Think of the words you can make.  Pinch or expand your photo with your fingers until you get it positioned where you like it.   Just use Afterlight and your iPhone!

Are you doing anything fun over the 4th?  We’re having a horrible heat wave in our area, and it’s HOT outside.  It’s been over 100 for the last 6 days and no one wants to venture outside.  Chelsea and I have been going for our morning walks early in the day around 7Am.  If it ever cools off we’re planning to BBQ on the 4th, but now all I can think of is watermelon and cold salads.  We’re sick of the heat and ready for cooler weather.

From Where I Stand Morning Walk

Have a great 4th of July!  Keep your pets inside if you can, away from the fireworks.  Our Marcel is scared to death of the fireworks so he’ll hiding under the bed.


Oh I almost forgot…there’s a “Stitch Zakka” book giveaway going on over on Karin Jordan’s blog that you don’t want to miss!  If you haven’t seen this book yet, it’s really great.  You’ll find lots of fun designer projects in it, including a pincushion by me!




  • Pam

    Hi Anne!
    We moved our daughter Madeleine into her new flat just west of Wrigleyville yesterday. She begins a new life after college with a job at Discover. So exciting but Mom’s a little apprehensive with her girl in a big city (she grew up in a small town in Indiana). We took her grocery shopping in the smallest Walmart I’ve ever seen — and out for Turkish food last night. Even though DH is a diehard Sox fan from the South Side, we enjoy the area! We spent last 4th of July coming to the City to go to a Sox game and moving Madeleine out of her apartment after her internship downtown a little south if here.

    Our plans are to go to our lake cottage tonight in northern Indiana – it’s on a small island. We take our pontoon boat to the west basin to watch fireworks. However I’m missing our first grandbaby, Henry Creighton who is 6 weeks old so I may lobby to go home to see him in his 4th if July onesie I bought for him before he was born! His mama thinks he’s too young to be on the island!

    Our cats (Moselle and Beulah) sleep through the fireworks – years ago when we first owned the island, we had 14 guests and we had a tornado! We survived but lost 5 trees and it moved the house 2″! Our Labrador, Jemima Jane, was terrified of storms after that (so was I as I grew up outside of Phoenix and we didn’t have tornadoes or blizzards) — I had to put her in our bathroom with the fan on and lights out with fireworks and storms!

    We had the excessive heat and drought last year. It is always cool on the island with breezes but it was so hot, we didn’t go up to the island very much. It’s much better this year. I hope it is better for you and all our friends out west — the fires are so scary.

  • Marcia

    I’m sitting up with our Beagle Butch. he’s shaking like a leaf in a wind storm. It’s going to be a long couple nights. Hugs for Marcel and many warm thoughts for your healing heart missing Bitsy.

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