
Bitsy Button Sutton

My Bisty

I knew the day would come when we had to say goodbye to our sweet Bitsy.  But time caught all of us by surprise this week, as she went into severe kidney failure.  We couldn’t turn it around.  We said goodbye to her yesterday, and she died in my arms.  I would have gone with her if I could have.

She was our companion, a best friend and she gave us unconditional love.  I feel so empty now that she is gone, like my heart has been hollowed.  I see her everywhere.

Chelsea and Mooch were her friends and I know the house must feel empty for them too.   When we came home without her, Chelsea walked all around the outside of the car sniffing.

Bitsy was a gift to us from heaven, and I’m so grateful for the time we had with her.  She taught us so much.  You can read about her here.

I hope the tears will stop in a few days, and my heart will fill with memories of her. For those of you who have been through the death of a pet, I know you understand the feeling.

Bitsy has her wings now and I hope she’s learning to use them well.  I will miss her so much.

Hugs to each of you who have ever lost a pet.



  • ginger

    What a precious story about Bitsy Button Sutton. You were pure joy for her also. I have 3 dogs and I cat. There have been quite a few others over the years. Animals are truly one of life on this earth’s biggest blessings. Thank you for sharing your precious animals and the pain. It helps us realize what gifts our pets truly are. God Bless You.

  • Maga

    Huge hug – I am crying for your loss because I too had to let go of my dog 2 1/2 years ago so I know how you feel right now and although I have moved house now I still miss him when I get home or am sad. They leave such a large space in our hearts empty but all the same full of lovely memories we would not have been without deapite the pain when they go to play on the green grass over the rainbow

  • Marcia

    Oh Anne I am so sorry. I’m crying with you. I have enjoyed your posts about Bitsy and feel like I knew her. I am very happy for her that she found a home with you where she knew love and kindness and was safe from all harm and want. I know she had a very special story and a special place in your family. Happy journeys Bitsy, you take mountains of love with you.

    We lost our Jasiu a few months ago and it really tore our hearts out. We think of him every day. The pain is so powerful and there are no words. Anne when you have healed please google “dogs last will and testament”. We did and Jasiu’s last will came to live with us, his name is Butch. Kindness doesn’t end, it moves to a new address.


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