
Bitsy Button Sutton

My Bisty

I knew the day would come when we had to say goodbye to our sweet Bitsy.  But time caught all of us by surprise this week, as she went into severe kidney failure.  We couldn’t turn it around.  We said goodbye to her yesterday, and she died in my arms.  I would have gone with her if I could have.

She was our companion, a best friend and she gave us unconditional love.  I feel so empty now that she is gone, like my heart has been hollowed.  I see her everywhere.

Chelsea and Mooch were her friends and I know the house must feel empty for them too.   When we came home without her, Chelsea walked all around the outside of the car sniffing.

Bitsy was a gift to us from heaven, and I’m so grateful for the time we had with her.  She taught us so much.  You can read about her here.

I hope the tears will stop in a few days, and my heart will fill with memories of her. For those of you who have been through the death of a pet, I know you understand the feeling.

Bitsy has her wings now and I hope she’s learning to use them well.  I will miss her so much.

Hugs to each of you who have ever lost a pet.



  • Nancy C. in Utah

    Oh Anne, There is nothing one can say to make it hurt less, but I am so truly sorry for your sad loss. My heart aches for you and your family and I can’t hold back my own tears. I have been down this road a number of times. The emptiness is overwhelming. But as I think about your loss, I can’t help but also think, that Bitsy’s wings were lovingly attached with beautiful buttons that are a perfect match to the one she already has. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers. Gentle Hugs…

  • Ganeen

    I am so very sorry to read about your loss. I took my Rocky to the vet for a suspicious cough and had to put him to sleep 45 minutes later. We didn’t even know he had cancer. No outward signs. I cried for a year off and on. It does get better but it is hard to loose your best friend and confidant. I would ask him how I looked when trying on clothes and he always made me feel beautiful. He thought I was his mommy. It will get better but don’t rush the grieving process. My thoughts are with you and your husband.

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