Family & Friends,  Pets,  Quilt Market

Home again

Quilt Market was wonderful.   My booth was part of what Moda calls ” The Designer Studio”.  Many of the Moda designers shared space, making up 2 long rows of booth space with no walls in-between.   Being surround by my favorite Moda designers was so much fun and we had a great time.

Here’s a photo of one side of the Designer Studio.   Barb and Mary have a great blog post showing all the Moda designers at market.  Thank goodness Barb and Mary thought to take the photos of everyone.

Designer Row

Moda’s Designer Studio ended up winning a ribbon for Best Merchandising!

Booth Ribbon

And when I came home guess who came along for the ride to pick me up at the airport?  Chelsea!


She hates it when I’m on a trip.  She knows I’m leaving the minute she sees the suitcases come out of the closet.

She has a pink car seat that she loves, and when my husband pulled up to get me, there she was in her car seat.  I was so surprised.  I don’t know who was more excited, me or her!  It takes a little over an hour for us to get to the airport, so it wasn’t a short ride for her.

If you take your small dog in the car, it’s a good idea to get a car seat.  If you’re looking for a great safety car seat for your dog, here’s where I got hers: In The Company of Dogs  .  Expensive yes, but not much more than a fat quarter bundle.

Today is Lily’s Birthday!

I can’t believe my granddaughter Lily turns 2 today!  She’s celebrating in Germany, so far away!   I just got this photo of her a few minutes ago.  She’s turning into such a little girl!

Lily turns 2

I’ll be flying to Germany in the middle of June to visit and I’m taking my other two granddaughters with me!   This is the first time they’ve been to Germany so the excitement is building for all of us.

Hope you’re all having  a great weekend.  I’m cleaning up the studio and catching up on paperwork.  It’s good to be home!



  • mimi'sdarlins

    Welcome home, Anne! Must be such fun seeing all the newest products and catching up with old friends. Happy Birthday, Lily! She is such a beautiful little girl, and yes, she is growing out of her baby years, isn’t she? I’m sure you must be counting the days for your Germany trip :)

  • Yvonne

    What a treat to have Chelsea meet you, I have just returned from Denver & Bailey & Poppy my Bichons were so thrilled to see me & I was equally delighted to see them I missed them so much, their love is always unconditional, I can even be cranky & they just don’t mind!
    Lilli looks so grown up, have a wonderful visit & I shall look forward to reading about it.
    Bailey & Poppy send barks to Chelsea

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