
We have two winners!

Apparently a lot of you liked the pink bowls!  They are really pretty, I agree, and I’m excited to be giving them away.  Some of you sent me emails because you couldn’t find where to leave a comment, but don’t worry, I assigned each of you a number and added you to the total.

Winner #1

1st winner from the Random Number Generator,  is Diane, #165 who said:

May 7, 2013 at 7:53 pm
“Rose is my name and one of my favorite flowers! And PINK is my favorite color! Pick me! Pick me!”

Diane, there must be something lucky about the last name Rose!  Hope your garden is full of roses because a vase filled with goodies is coming your way!

Winner #2

2nd winner from the Random Number Generator, is Vickie, #160 who said:
May 7, 2013 at 7:45 pm
“Love it would look wonderful in my OLD home”

Vickie your old home will love this vase.  It’s the perfect fit!

Pink Vase

A Woodland Christmas is coming your way.

Are you ready for a new block of the month?  Quilt Market is next week and I’ll be showing my latest applique quilt in the Moda booth! The patterns are being printed and we’ll have them in stock very soon.  Remember the sneak peek I showed you on Facebook?  Here’s another peek of the block! I’ll be showing you the whole quilt next week!  I have a surprise to go with this quilt that I think you might like.  I’ll tell you all about it next week.  :>)


Have a great weekend everyone, and a happy Mother’s Day!




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