Other Nice Things

Moda Blog Hop Winner

Are you having fun on the blog hop?  Did you see Camille’s “Farmer’s Wife” quilt on her post?  Oh my, that is a beautiful quilt!  To think that she’s made something for herself, makes me want to jump right in and join the Moda friendship group.  It’s a great way to keep up our skills and learn new ones.  I’ve never make a circle block like Zen Chic and I’m really tempted to try.   Of course, I’m the one always running from project to project trying to get everything done.  Too many deadlines and not enough time.

On to picking a winner…

The Random Number Generator has picked #267

#267  Sherrill said:

“What a great block! It has such possibilities! I would love to win this beautiful fabric! Thank you for the chance to win!”

 Jubilee Bundle


Congratulations Sherrill!  You won this bundle of Jubilee from Bunny Hill!  Just email me your information and we’ll put it in the mail.

If you’re into bundles, I’ve just made up some new wool bundles and added them to our wool collections.  Hocus Pocus is perfect for Halloween, and Sea glass will make you want to picnic on the beach.  Cute, dreamy bundles that are perfect for your wool stash.

Hocus Pocus

Sea Glass Bundle

If you follow me on Facebook you’ll see I’ve put up a sneak peek of one of our 8 new wool patterns that will be ready in March.  They’re from the  Bunny Hill Pastel Wool collection and they are super cute!  Fiona is the Bunny Hill Fox that insisted on being pink.  There was no talking her out of it, so pink she is!

We have 8 new patterns coming very, very soon!

Back Soon!  Enjoy the rest of the hop!



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