Books,  Quilts

Snowmen Warm Your Heart

I can never get enough snowmen.  There’s just something about the little guys that makes me happy!

When I was at Fall market last October I saw Lisa’s Snowman Gatherings fabric and I had to have it. Now, a few months later, we’ve turned it into a new version of Postcard Cuties for Winter! We made the snowmen from wool and used a jelly roll, charm pack and a bit of yardage for the remainder of the quilt.


Postcard Cuties for Winter

I’m busy updating the pattern and the new version should be ready in a few weeks.  The fabric doesn’t ship until April so you’ll have to wait a bit.  We hope to have kits for this super cute quilt and I’ll keep you updated.

Reading on my iPad…

Have to share the most current book I’m reading…it’s quite by accident that I found it.  I saw it on a bestseller list and downloaded a sample to my iPad.  I really had no interest in a story about Charles Lindberg, but the author, Melanie Benjamin, caught my interest right away.  It’s really about Anne Morrow Lindberg and told from her point of view.

The Aviator's Wife
A nice change from my usual murder mysteries, The Aviator’s Wife is a good read.

Here’s another tip!

Watch for the April Issue of American Patchwork & Quilting…

…because our very own Moda Lissa has a quilt on the cover!  Dang she is talented!  Just look at this beauty.

Cover Girl

This is her second cover issue!  Everyone I know wanted to make her quilt when it graced the cover in October 2010…
APQ October 2010
…and now this new quilt!  Hard to choose isn’t it?   Congratulations to Lissa!




  • Anita K

    Love It!!! Can’t wait, I’m in for a kit, I too can’t get enough of those adorable snowmen, they have “personality”!!!!

  • Anne Beale

    Hi Anne,
    I, like yourself, cannot get enough of snowmen and as I live in sothern Australia, we don’t see
    much snow. I’m looking forward to the release of the updated pattern and hope you have a little kit available. I’ll certainly be keeping an eye out. May I also say how delightful the pastel wool project looked. Thoose little sneak peeks certainly are tempting.
    Warmest regards

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