Other Nice Things

What’s in a Name?

What’s in a name?  Quite a lot if you happen to be a spool of Kimono Silk Thread sitting on a shelf.  Some pretty clever ideas went into naming these threads!  Would you like to be a spool named  “Hello Kitty” pink or a “Godzilla Green”?


 Or how about Mermaid Wishes?  Just look at this color…

Personally?  I like the name “Princess”…

…or Obi-one…

Oh, I can’t forget this one called “Grandma’s Kisses”…

There are 80 colors of Kimono Silk thread and we now carry them all on our website.   80 colors = 80 names.

How can you resist a beige called “Ramen”?  Brings back memories for me :>)




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