Other Nice Things

Small Business vs Go Daddy

We’re small business America waiting to be helped by big business America.

If you’ve seen my website lately you’ll see the Go Daddy girl and not my bunny.   Our website has been down since Saturday and we’re still waiting for Go Daddy to help us get back on the web.

Who on earth is Go Daddy you ask?  Go Daddy is a web hosting company and I’ve been with them since I started my business.  Back then they were a small business too.  Then, from what I’ve heard they took out a Super Bowl ad, hired Danica Patrick (a race car driver) to be the “Go Daddy girl” and their business boomed.   Go Daddy is now the sponsor for Danica at Nascar.

Until this week it’s been smooth sailing at Go Daddy, but I pay attention to how a company responds when there’s a problem.   Nothing at all against Danica, but I guarantee if her website went down they’d have it fixed by now.

For those of you who took advantage of our sale and placed your order before the crash, thank you many times over for your orders.  For those of you who wanted to place an order and couldn’t, I’ll extend the sale dates as soon as our site is up and running again.  Hopefully it won’t be too much longer.  Who knows…maybe the owner of Go Daddy has a wife who happens to be a quilter…then I can get back to drawing for quilts instead of this blog!

Nascar bunny

Back soon to talk about all things quilting (I hope)!



  • Sunnybec

    Ain’t technology grand! until it goes wrong. Nothing we can do but wait it out, I know how frustrating it is when it’s your business. We lose our internet a lot in France, one storm and it’s off, sometimes it’s hours sometimes it’s days, I feel like I have lost contact with the outside world. Tell me….. how did we manage before the internet……. LOL. Hugs

  • Joanne Moore

    Hang in there Anne. We will patiently wait, members of the generation that love/hate computers. Please give our best to Chelsea. Maybe it is best so her treats to get spaced out over more days! Love your GO BUNNY HILL GIRL!
    Best of luck
    Joanne and Cindy Bear Airedale

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