Other Nice Things

Bunny Hill Site

Busy Bunny Technology is great until it doesn’t work, then it makes you a little crazy!  I know many of you are having trouble accessing our website now and I apologize that you’re having so much trouble.  We’re doing everything we can to fix the problem, but there’s just too much traffic for our site to handle.  I’ve extended the sale through January 12th to give you more time to shop.  I’m told our site will come back up when things slow down at bit.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed and Chelsea’s trying not to worry about not getting treats!

I hate the thought of moving our site to a “bigger” house server but we’ll be doing that soon.  We’ll be able to accommodate several truckloads of bunny customers!

Thank you all for being such wonderful customers!




  • Sandy S

    I am sure this website problem is driving you crazy. I see that there is some change in the status. But if your website is overloaded, does this mean that some are getting through? I don’t think so, because I have been trying for 3 days now. :(
    Anyways would appreciate the notification of your site being up as well….
    Love your designs!!

  • Marcia

    Now that is a cute post. I guess this means business is good? That is a good thing but I certainly understand you wouldn’t want to up your server for two sales a year. So in light of that, here’s an idea for you….Could we purchase your patterns in PDF format? I keep all my patterns on a jump drive and use my tablet instead of paper. I find I have little patience for paper anymore and have passed on some patterns I would have bought because I don’t want to have to scan the thing in and throw it away. I’d rather just download. Just a thought.

    Hugs to all the furkids!!

  • Mary

    Hi Anne,

    Could you blog and let us know when your site is up and running again? I feel like a stalker… It’s nice that you are so popular ! Thank you for all of the free patterns. You are a mensch!

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